‘Ladies of Soul doubt whether they want to continue with Glennis Grace’

The Ladies of Soul say very little in the media about Glennis Grace’s ordinary fight in the Jumbo, but behind the scenes they have doubts about her exit. That reports Weekend magazine.

© Ladies of Soul

Glennis Grace, together with Berget Lewis, Candy Dulfer and Edsilia Rombley, forms a singing quartet called Ladies of Soul. The intention is that they will be in the Ziggo Dome twice in September, but you can wonder whether people would like to applaud someone who allegedly sells blows to stockers.

Doubting ladies

Berget didn’t want to say anything in front of the Shownieuws camera, but behind the scenes there is a lot of discussion between the three ladies with whom Glennis is in the singing group. “It is whispered that some Ladies Of Soul, with whom she performs, have their doubts whether Glennis can return to the illustrious quartet,” Weekend writes.

Edsilia Rombley previously reacted hesitantly to the question of whether Glennis can still remain a member of the Ladies of Soul. “We are not there yet, we are still figuring out: what happened? We’re waiting, we’re really waiting to hear what’s really going on, because it’s all really super annoying.”

carlo angry

However, according to the Weekend, it is saying a lot that the Instagram post in which Glennis indicated that he was not guilty, did not receive any likes from the other Ladies of Soul. The only celebrities who liked Glennis’ post were Carlo Boszhard and Tanja Jess.

Carlo thinks that his good friend Glennis is being treated too harshly by the media. “When Glennis Grace was released after an alleged fight in the Jumbo, it was done at RTL Boulevard whether serial killer Jack the Ripper was revived and made the city unsafe again.”
