Lack of ice supermarkets | The lack of ice in supermarkets is already a “widespread” problem

The lack of ice supply supermarkets across the country has already become a problem that affects in a “widespread” way to these establishments, as confirmed by sources in the distribution sector.

In some stores of large supermarket chains such as Mercadona, the supply of ice has been temporarily limited to a maximum of five bags or one sack per customer; others like Consum limit the product to two bags per customer per day.

Still, these sources confirm that the limitation can vary even within the same chainwith establishments where there are no restrictions.

For its part, the Association of Supermarkets of the Valencian Community (Asucova) has ruled out that there will be problems with the supply of ice cubes and crushed ice in homes.

The association considered that temporary lack of supply of this product is a punctual question.

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In addition, the director of Asucova, Pedro Reig, has assured EFE that the consumers they are not collecting ice and that the limitation is derived from the lack of supply from the Horeca channel (hotels and restaurants).

However, sources from the hotel management have denied in statements to Efe that this problem is affecting the sector, although they have indicated that there may be “specific cases” of lack of supply in bars and restaurants.
