Labor Senator: Berlin needs 2,000 more training places

Labor Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (48, SPD)

Labor Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (48, SPD) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Pia Fredebeul

In the capital, many young people still do not have a training place – although there are more and more apprenticeships available. Berlin’s Senator for Labor is looking for solutions.

The number of in-company training courses rose by 5.4 percent to 15,832. Nevertheless, at the end of September there were more than 3,000 applicants without an apprenticeship, almost 600 more than the previous year. Labor Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (48, SPD): “The training rate in Berlin is still well below the national average.”

In order to change this, the new “Alliance for Training” was founded at the beginning of August. Kiziltepe: “The common goal of the alliance partners is to have 2,000 more training places under contract in two years than today.” Career orientation in schools should also be improved.

According to the Federal Employment Agency, more young people are now seeking help finding a job in Berlin. The Berlin training balance 2022/2023: Last year, 21,176 school leavers contacted career advice to get support in finding a job – 274 more than in the previous year.


Training Trainee Federal Employment Agency Cansel Kiziltepe Apprenticeship
