Labor market: from ChatGPT to dollarized work

Use artificial intelligence (AI) in our professional life can bring us a wide range of new and attractive job possibilities. From writing in English without having a great knowledge of the language, to learning to program from scratch.

This becomes especially attractive for Argentines who want to take advantage of job opportunities in foreign companies and generate income in dollars from the comfort of their homes to protect themselves from inflation, in a context of economic instability.

Write in English with ChatGPT. One of the challenges that many Spanish-speaking people present when applying for jobs abroad is not having a good command of the English language. However, with platforms like ChatGPTthis is no longer a limitation, since these chatbots allow you to write in a foreign language fluently and naturally, even without knowing the language in depth.

Thus, by way of example, there is now the possibility of write multilingual content for web pages, blogs or companies, such as articles, product descriptions and various copies, among other jobs that can be accessed.

Learn to program from scratch with AI. In addition, the use of AI gives the possibility of access jobs in the programming area without having previous experience: works like a 24/7 virtual mentor to learn languages as HTML, CSS either javascript.

In this way, starting with simple projects and gaining experience, it is possible work remotely and in dollars in the IT industry, one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy. Even in Latin America, only in 2022 it had a growth of 9.4%, according to data from International Data Corporation (IDC)and it is projected that by 2023 the investment in IT of Latin American companies will grow by 12% versus the previous year.

Artificial Intelligence to make jobs more human. One of the greatest global advantages of incorporating AI in the workplace is that robots will do the most monotonous and boring jobs. This will allow people to focus on strategic tasks that prioritize creativity and soft skills.

As a last resort, this transition to more rewarding roles elevates our human character: not only empowers those who work, but also redefines the direction of the economy and the industry as a whole towards more humane models.

For more than a decade I have been dedicated to the development of artificial intelligence. I had the opportunity to work in game development at one of the most influential companies in the industry globally: Electronic Arts. In Silicon ValleyI participated in the creation of Adia Robotics, a drone startup. I also had work experiences in neural networks in Manzana and Goalafter my career in AI research at the Stanford University.

Today I am involved in FreeWillAI, a project that seeks to democratize artificial intelligence and allow it to come to life by itself. Thus, it offers companies and developers the ability to use artificial intelligence in the blockchain in a decentralized way, promoting the development of Dapps (decentralized applications), protocols and cryptocurrencies.

It’s time to embrace the opportunities that AI brings us to grow professionally and overcome today’s economic challenges. Uncertainty is present, but one thing is certain: those who learn, adapt and take advantage of these tools will have access to a world of career options that were previously unimaginable.

Lucas Roitman is a researcher at Stanford University and CEO of FreeWillAI.

by Lucas Roitman

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