La7: Gramellini news, the big names confirmed

massimo Gramellini on A7 in place of Massimo Giletti, with a prime time program on Saturday (the name is not yet known) and a face-to-face interview on Sunday evening with the character of the moment. David Parenzo in the morning, instead of Myrta Merlino a The air that blows. Incursions of the historian Alessandro Barbero, also very popular with young people on Tik Tok, in the early and late evening. A special with Ezio Mauro during an episode of Atlantis. Stretch Aldo Cazzullo: his A particular day (which is doing very well in recent weeks also in reruns) goes from six to eight episodes next season. Also confirmed Omnibus, Coffee breaks And Tagadà.

Massimo Gramellini in the next season will have his own program on La7, on Saturday in prime time and on Sunday after the news. IPA photo

At the presentation of the La7 schedules, Urbano Cairo clearly reiterated that the formula that wins cannot be changed. La7, the Cairo Communication network directed by Andrea Salerno, has a precise identity: information, analysis, investigations, cultural entertainment and satire. A choice that paid off: in the last season La7, with a 4.8% share, was the fifth most watched channel in prime timein front of Rai Due and Rete 4 (from 18 September to 24 December and from 8 January to 17 June).

All in all the La7 system, i.e. TV + digital on proprietary channels, reaches 38 million viewers every month. Of all the generalist TVs, La7 is the second channel in terms of live hours, with over 11 hours of live daily, and the first channel in terms of information hours. It should also be noted that the network ranks fourth among college viewers (third place in prime time) and among adults of the highest socio-economic class.

A new investigative program on La7

Confirmed all the big names: Enrico Mentana, Lilli Gruber, Giovanni Floris, Andrea Purgatori, Corrado Formigli, Diego Bianchi with his team, Licia Colò, Tiziana Panella. On air, with Marianna Aprile and Luca Telese, from September will go on Sunday evenings, after Gramellini’s interview, with the same conductors. After the first edition, the appointment with the next season has been confirmed Once upon a time in the twentieth century. A new program of investigations on the territory will start from January, 100′12 episodes signed by Corrado Formigli and Alberto Nerazzini (but “on the field” there will also be many female faces).

On the sidelines of the presentation, Urbano Cairo, president and CEO of RCS MediaGroup, was asked a lot of questions about his interest in Mediaset. But he denied it, and reiterated that “he is neither in heaven nor on earth” and that it all started from an article by Dagospy in May, where there was talk of an Italian consortium organized by Walter Veltroni. As for his human relationship with Massimo Giletti, which was six years in La7, Cairo remembers it as “very nice”, and hopes it will stay that way.

