La Salernitana fines Ribery after the road accident. And against Inter there will be no

The sports director: “Salernitana can avoid relegation. With Inter we try to win.” On the Frenchman involved in a car accident: “he made a mistake, but he remains a special person”

The four consecutive draws fuel hopes of recovery even if the salvation has moved away to ten points. Salernitana needs victories and the calendar is certainly not an ally; in the next three days the Campania team will play away against Inter (next Friday) and Juventus, interspersed with the match against Arechi against Sassuolo. “I remain confident, everything is possible even to score points against Inter – says sports director Walter Sabatini -. Nicola had a devastating impact, he is truly a phenomenon and I thank him. He is positively obsessed with the idea of ​​winning at all costs and he strongly believes in salvation. I told the team not only to follow him, but to be like him. In Milan we can try to win, I am a dreamer, a visionary while keeping my feet on the ground and Salernitana can avoid relegation “.

Come back

The chances of a comeback also pass through the double recovery with Udinese and Venice but the appeals risk lengthening the time. “Aberrant that the Lega Calcio di A is alongside Venezia was the welcome to our president. But we have a pool of top-level lawyers and we are ready to have our reasons recognized. If there is a political maneuver we will unmask it immediately , but I don’t want to believe it, out of my habit I don’t want to have dull thoughts. I’m very confident, those six points are of vital importance. ”

Ribery affair

The player, who was injured in a car accident shortly after three o’clock yesterday morning, will be unavailable for the away match in Milan. “We are interested first of all that the player is well; he went out to dinner, came back late and he shouldn’t have. He will be fined and any other players who were with him will be fined. In any case, everyone is keen to save Salernitana, Ribery he trains to the maximum and his human qualities allow me to define him as special. We all love him. ” Finally, in Ribery, two fines were also issued for violating the highway code.
