La Fortuna, tonight on Rai 1 second and last episode: plot

D.fter the debut on Monday 30 May, Stanley Tucci come back tonight – to leave from 21.25 on Rai 1 – for the second and last episode of Luck, Spanish series in 6 episodes, condensed into two appointments for Italian TV. In the grand finale it will be revealed who owns the wreck of the Atlantis, the ship subject of the dispute between Spain and the United States. A long and exciting legal battle, carried out by the treasure hunter Frank Wild.

Luckthe previews of the last episode

The latest installment of the series places Wild’s struggle at the center of the narrative (Stanley Tucci) against everything and everyone, even when there is no room for action to act. The process comes to an end after a long legal battle. To win in court is the kingdom of Spain thanks to the figure of Jonas Pierce (Clarke Peters), the American attorney specializing in maritime lawwho worked side by side with Alex and Lucía.

Despite the positive opinion, Ventura and Vallarta officials they cannot breathe a sigh of relief, because soon after the victory they learn that Wild has no intention of giving up. The treasure hunter, in fact, is convinced that the last word on the matter has not yet been said.

Its a battle for bring the loot back to America it is only at the beginning and will do everything not to let it slip away luck. He devises a new strategy and decides to appeal to the American Congress with a specific goal: to get approved a law that modifies maritime law. Who will have the last word?

Frank’s fight and Alex and Lucía’s courage

“If you remember the Titanic, in the safe they found only wet paper. We have been luckier, ”says Frank Wild at the beginning of the series. And so it is: at the time of the discovery, the cargo of the galleon Atlantis is still intact and of inestimable value. In the two episodes, Luck shows the whole story, from the discovery of the ship that sank two centuries ago to the legal struggle between countriescomplete with low blows, plots, tripping and subterfuge.

A struggle carried on, as far as Spain is concerned, by two far-sighted officials: Alejandro “Alex” Ventura and Lucía Vallarta, played respectively by Álvaro Mel and Ana Polvorosa. Alejandro is a young man diplomat with big dreams and still little familiarity with the concrete work in the button rooms. Lucía is a free woman in search of the truth, unconventional and courageous, who does not stop at a no. It is only thanks to their resourcefulness, in fact, if Spain manages to prevent the frigate from falling into the hands of the United States.

The actors Álvaro Mel and Ana Polvorosa in the series “La Fortuna”, in which they play Alejandro Ventura and Lucía Vallarta. (Courtesy MOVISTAR +)

The true story of Luck

Directed by Alejandro Amenábar, Luck is taken from graphic novel The treasure of the Black Swan, signed by Guillermo Corral and Paco Roca. The story told is based on a fact truenamely the discovery in 2007 of a galleon still intact in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar. Finding that started a long dispute with the United States to determine which of the two states was authorized to claim ownership.

For its part, Spain made the request as the galleon was in Spanish waters, but the United States vehemently opposed. The reason was not merely territorial or principled, but economic. The found ship was still loaded with thousands of gold and silver coins. A considerable booty that neither country had any intention of letting go of.

