L1mburg Central: What future does asparagus have? † 1Limburg

The future of asparagus, rock concert especially for children and more Limburg news

This is L1mburg Central from Monday 4 April 2022.

Elderly man strangled two wives over debts
An ever increasing debt has driven 74-year-old Wiel F. from Grevenbicht to kill his 73-year-old wife Tiny. He strangled her with a scarf and then did the same to dog Juul. On Monday, the prosecutor demanded fourteen years in prison and TBS with compulsory treatment against Wiel for the fatal incident on September 26, 2021 in Lindenstraat.

look at here the whole report.

How is Martin from Maastricht in Ukraine?
Exactly a month ago we spoke to Martin from Maastricht, who lives with his Ukrainian wife in a town near Lubny in Ukraine. He has set up an air raid shelter under his house as a precaution, but fortunately he has not needed it yet.

look at here the whole report.

Birgit can’t go to Russia for stem cell therapy
The war in Ukraine also has consequences for MS patient Birgit Keuten from Merselo. She would undergo stem cell therapy in Russia to stop the symptoms of the muscle disease MS. The treatment in the Netherlands is still in its infancy and is therefore not reimbursed. That is why Dutch MS patients, supported by success stories from fellow sufferers, regularly opt for treatment in Russia.

look at here the whole report.

What future does asparagus have?
Everything has to change in asparagus land: sustainable production, new harvesting techniques and less dependence on labor migrants. The brand new Asparagus Gilde Limburg wants the sector to modernize in the coming years and is looking at the future of white gold. An era is coming to an end in Grubbenvorst. After many glorious years, there are only three asparagus growers left, with no successor.

look at here the whole report.

Van Helvert new chairman SME Limburg
Entrepreneurs have had a lot to choose from in recent years. First, of course, the corona pandemic. Then the chaos when the world economy restarts, for example the shortages of raw materials. Then there is the war in Ukraine. Amid all this uncertainty, small and medium-sized enterprises in Limburg will have a new chairman.

Former CDA MP and current alderman in Roerdalen, Martijn van Helvert, was introduced to his supporters in Venlo. That happened on the top floor of the renovated Van der Valk hotel there. Van Helvert is the successor of Monique Princen, an entrepreneur in Weert.

look at here the whole report.

Rock concert in Venlo, especially for children
A lesson in the basics of rock ‘n roll. With the principles of crowd surfing, playing air guitar or stage diving. That was on the curriculum of children from the highest classes of various primary schools in Venlo. For this practical lesson as part of the Children’s Music Week, the children visited a rock concert in Grenswerk.

look at here the whole report.
