L1mburg Central: Venlo residents arrange everything for Ukrainians | 1Limburg

9,000 signatures for the Maas as a legal person, Limburgers pass on most anonymous crime tips and more Limburg news in the broadcast of L1mburg Central.

The broadcast of L1mburg Centraal from Tuesday, March 29, 2022. With the following topics:

Venlonaren arrange everything for Ukrainians
There are still not enough locations where Ukrainian refugees can go for a long time. So locations that would only serve as emergency reception locations are now being used differently. For example, in Hotel Puur in Venlo. What started there as providing shelter has grown into a coordination point for ‘first aid’. Floor Billekens and Wim Do are now working almost day and night to arrange everything for all Ukrainian refugees in the region.

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Ukrainians in former school Vaesrade
The intention is that 4,000 Ukrainian refugees will be accommodated in Limburg in the coming period. The municipalities have already found space for 2000 people, and suitable locations are still being sought for 2000 others. The municipality of Beekdaelen found accommodation in Vaesrade that could be prepared fairly quickly, namely a former primary school, which is now empty.

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Limburgers pass on most anonymous crime tips
Last year we Limburgers called the tip line of Meld Misdaad Anoniem much more often than other Dutch people. Of every 10,000 Limburgers, more than 22 people contacted the line in 2021. Nationally, that was slightly more than 14. We mainly called with tips about soft drugs.

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9,000 signatures for Maas as a legal person
With more than 9,000 signatures in its pocket, the Maas Cleanup action group went to The Hague. There they drew attention to the pollution of the Meuse. The action group presented a petition to the House of Representatives calling for the Meuse to become a legal entity, so that people can go to court on behalf of the Meuse if there is a threat of more pollution. That would be unique in the Netherlands.

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Fascination for swimming in the Maas
What do Limburgers have with swimming in the Maas and what is the magic of swimming in open water? Journalist Kirsten van Santen from Friesland breathes water herself and was looking for fellow swimmers all over the country to write a book about it. That is how she ended up with Peter and Maud in Limburg.

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Looking back on the glory days of Roda JC
Looking back on the glory days of Roda JC. This was done by players and trainers who were active for the Kerkaadse club in the past. The supporters collective Roda 1962 organized a reunion in the Royal theater in Heerlen during the free international weekend.

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