L1mburg Central: Resistance to tackling the nitrogen crisis is growing | 1Limburg

Flood victim enters politics, Donny M. is not only a perpetrator but also a victim and more Limburg news.

Resistance to tackling the nitrogen crisis is increasing
The cabinet plans to tackle nitrogen have hit like a bomb in Limburg municipalities. Ten local parties from Limburg and Brabant have sent a letter to the cabinet to get the plans off the table, the local CDA party from Horst aan de Maas even calls for a special conference to be organized because the announced measures are disastrous for local farmers.

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Flood victim enters politics
A year after her entire house was flooded, Inge Smeets will be installed as a new alderman in Meerssen this month. It was precisely this flooding that taught Smeets how important local government is. That is why she is making a career switch with a new start at the Meerssen College.

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Donny M is not only perpetrator but also victim
The suspect in the case is Donny M, 22 years old from Geleen. He is suspected of kidnapping and murder. Information about his dramatic childhood came out this week. Last week we dwelt extensively on the death of Gino. A week and a half ago, he disappeared when he was playing football on a soccer field in Kerkrade in the evening. His body was found in Geleen.

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Language lessons for Ukrainians in Grashoek
In Grashoek, plenty of language lessons are given to refugees from Ukraine.

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Final stage ZLM Tour
Today the final stage was on the program of the ZLM Tour. The riders again got a flat course for the wheels in Brabant between Made and Rijsbergen.

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