L1mburg Central: Reminiscing about King’s Day | 1Limburg

Maastricht is enjoying a blistering King’s Day, fighting oak processionary caterpillars is a race against time, foal is named Willem-Alexander and more Limburg news.

Maastricht enjoys a blistering King’s Day
The day after King’s Day is one of looking back and especially reminiscing. Because the king’s visit to Maastricht is widely regarded as a great success. Forty thousand people were on their feet, the weather was glorious, there was no discord and there was a relaxed royal family. Colleague Jolien Linssen has been chasing the king all day. Did she see something that we didn’t see on the TV pictures?

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Fighting oak processionary caterpillars, a race against time
The coming weeks are crucial to combat the oak processionary caterpillar. Specialized companies are busy day and night. Now the caterpillars are still small and they don’t have any annoying stinging hairs. The battle to prevent nuisance for humans and animals is a race against time.

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Kickboxer Mitch Kuijpers stops
In his career he already became European champion and world champion, but now he stops. Kickboxer Mitch Kuijpers is now 36 and wanted to win a European title one more time, during his farewell match in Lommel. About 125 fans from Haler had come to the kickboxing gala to see Kuijpers in action for the last time. In any case, the turnout was impressive for the farmer from Haler.

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Foal born with the name Willem-Alexander
A foal was born in Arcen named Willem-Alexander. The young stallion saw the light of day in Arcen on Wednesday, King’s Day, and was therefore given the appropriate name by the king.

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