L1mburg Central: No longer going to GGD after positive test | 1Limburg

L1mburg Central: no longer going to the GGD after a positive self-test, king and queen at King’s Day concert, Max’ car must become reliable and more Limburg news.

The broadcast of L1mburg Centraal from Monday 11 April 2022. With the following topics:

No more going to the GGD after a positive self-test
From now on, after a positive self-test at home, you do not also have to have a PCR test done at the GGD. The Ministry of Health wants to place more responsibility on the citizen in the event of a corona infection. That means staying at home with complaints and in isolation after a positive test. The test locations of the GGDs will remain open, but will be scaled down considerably.

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Young second-hand cars are also becoming more expensive
Many things have become considerably more expensive in recent times. This also applies to young used cars. Sellers speak of an overstretched market where you sometimes lose thousands of euros more for the same cars than, say, a year ago. This is mainly due to a high demand and a small supply.

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King and queen at King’s Day concert
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima offer the King’s Day concert in Maastricht on Monday evening, for people involved in the organization of King’s Day. The royal family will visit the capital in 2.5 weeks. Theme then is Live Maastricht. So now the King’s Day concert in Theater aan het Vrijthof, in the presence of the King and Queen of course. The guest in the broadcast is former governor Theo Bovens.

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New future vision for OLS
The OLS federation presents a new vision for the future that should remove obstacles. In particular, the recruitment and retention of members is a stumbling block for many militia groups. With the new plan, the federation wants to show how you can deal with some challenges.

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Max’ car must be reliable
After two retirements in three races, Max Verstappen is not thinking about a new world title at the moment. His team Red Bull will have to do everything in its power to make the car reliable.

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83-year-old referee doesn’t know how to stop
He is unstoppable at the respectable age of 83. The elderly referee Harrie Sieben from Elsloo. Last week, Sieben whistled no fewer than five matches in amateur football. He has had his referee diploma for 50 years and does not want to stop yet.

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