L1mburg Central: More and more young people with debts | 1Limburg

Presentation Donny M., young people with debts and more Limburg news.

Donny M. suspected of murder and kidnapping Gino
The 22-year-old suspect Donny M. in the case of the deceased Gino van der Straeten (9) is suspected of murder. He is also suspected of kidnapping the boy. This became apparent today at the examining magistrate in Maastricht where the suspect was arraigned. His detention has been extended by two weeks.

Gino was found dead on Saturday morning, after he disappeared without a trace on Wednesday evening. Initially, Donny M. was suspected of kidnapping and involvement in Gino’s death.

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Professional help for relatives Gino
After anxious days full of uncertainty and great fear, the blow to the family and other loved ones followed on Saturday. Gino was found dead. There is a lot of attention for the case and the family is going through a difficult time. That is why the relatives now also receive professional help to deal with this. At the table Roy Heerkens of Victim Support Netherlands.

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More and more young people with debts
Although fewer and fewer people end up in debt restructuring, the number of young people with problematic debts is increasing. Time for action, they think at the Kredietbank Limburg. The Kredietbank helps young people with debt problems and provides information at schools to prevent debt. The most important tip: ring the bell on time.

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Ukrainian refugees in Heythuysen
Geert van Roij from Heythuysen has been home to Ukrainian refugees since the beginning of March. The last time we visited him, the house was very busy, especially with four children running around. It has now become much quieter.

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The most beautiful castle in the Netherlands is in Hoensbroek
We have about 550 castles in the Netherlands. The ANWB listed them. The most beautiful castle in the Netherlands is Hoensbroek Castle! And that is where the prize was also received today.

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Goodbye Nick de Kuijper and Jeroen van de Beucken
Nick de Kuijper and Jeroen van de Beucken played more than 1,000 handball matches for Bevo together. Sports hall De Heuf in Panningen was their second home for 14 seasons, until now, because both have said goodbye to handball.

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