L1mburg Central: Love farmer Janine wants to move | 1Limburg

Fans celebrate with Fortuna players, Pieter Meekels, figurehead Sittard-Geleen, says goodbye and more Limburg news.

This is L1mburg Central from Monday 16 May.

Justice holds on to murder suspicion of Maastricht doctor
Justice continues to suspect a Maastricht doctor of murdering his mother-in-law. George W. gave the woman a large dose of medicine in 2016, which caused her to die. According to the justice system, a pre-designed plan, the GP himself says that the 76-year-old woman was in such a medical condition that it justifies the treatment method. Today was the first day in the extensive criminal trial.

Look at here the whole report.

Investigation into Jewish looted buildings in Maastricht
The municipality of Maastricht announces a new investigation into Jewish looted buildings. During the Second World War, the property of Jewish residents was expropriated, and subsequently it came into the hands of the then municipal council. The Jews who survived the war received nothing in return or were insufficiently compensated. An investigation into Jewish looted buildings had already taken place in Roermond.

Look at here the whole report.

Pieter Meekels, figurehead Sittard-Geleen, says goodbye
He was not the mayor, yet Pieter Meekels was the figurehead of the municipality of Sittard-Geleen for years to the outside world. After a 36-year political-administrative career, Meekels is now making way for a new college. Tuesday is his farewell reception, now the outgoing alderman is a guest in the studio.

Look at here the whole report.

Fans celebrate with Fortuna players
More than a thousand frenzied fans gave the players a festive welcome at the Fortuna Sittard Stadium on Sunday evening after the won game against NEC. The people of Sittard are therefore assured of another year in the Eredivisie.

Look at here the whole report.

Farmer Janine has found love
The Farmer is looking for a woman adventure has provided sheep farmer Janine Lardinois from Epen with what she was looking for: a man. She is still with Sander, who she chose. That could be seen on Sunday evening in Farmer is looking for a woman.

Look at here the whole report.

Special engagement in a Maastricht nursing home
In love, engaged and who knows, they might even get married. Cupid has struck in the Scharwyerveld care center in Maastricht. 99-year-old Theo Thijssen has become engaged to Erna Luijten, who is 10 years younger.

Look at here the whole report.

Small whirlwind in Grubbenvorst
A special weather phenomenon was seen in Grubbenvorst on Sunday afternoon. An asparagus cutter filmed there around half past three dustdevil or dust devil. This is a small whirlwind that arises at the earth’s surface on calm, warm and sunny days. In about ten seconds, the dust devil hurled the foil on the asparagus up to 25 meters into the air.

Look at here the whole report.
