L1mburg Central: Looking back on two years of corona in Limburg | 1Limburg

The elderly are in demand again in the workplace, Theu Boermans says goodbye and more Limburg news.

This is L1mburg Central from Saturday 5 March.

Elderly people cope with a staff shortage
People over the age of fifty and sixty are increasingly finding a job due to staff shortages on the labor market. Three quarters of the Dutch population between the ages of 50 and 65 is currently working. That number has never been this high, and it is expected to continue to rise for the foreseeable future. And so employment agencies are busy getting seniors in the right place.

look at here the whole report.

Director Theu Boermans says goodbye to the National Theater
The latest production of the National Theater: it will not premiere in The Hague as usual. But in Heerlen. And that has everything to do with director Theu Boermans from Venlo, who says goodbye to the company with this piece. So a home game in Limburg.

look at here the whole report.

Free apple tree inhabitants Leudal
An apple tree: free to collect. You don’t have to say that twice in Leudal either. The 250 apple trees that the municipality distributed in Heythuysen were gone in no time.

look at here the whole report.

A look back at two years of corona in Limburg
Today it is exactly two years ago that the first Limburg corona patient ended up in hospital. Now, with 4 lockdowns behind us, daily life seems more or less as usual. Despite of course sky-high infection rates at the moment, partly caused by carnival. In recent months, we followed a group of Limburgers every week and heard how they fared during the pandemic.

look at here the whole report.
