L1mburg Central: Locally much damage due to severe weather | 1Limburg

Beek airport seems to remain open, shoe family in mourning so anniversary party canceled and more Limburg news.

This is L1mburg Central from Friday 20 May.

Locally a lot of damage due to severe weather
Sandbags were laid, trains were canceled from the timetable, primary schools closed earlier, fairs and markets were shut down and Rijkswaterstaat and the water boards were on standby. All before a storm that passed through Limburg on Friday afternoon and eventually seemed to be less than expected in many places, but caused a lot of damage in some places.

Look at here the whole report.

Shoe family in mourning: anniversary party canceled
It should have been a wonderful party on Saturday, the 140th anniversary of shoe store Durlinger, the family business from Sittard with dozens of branches in Limburg. But all festivities have been canceled due to the death of Xavier Durlinger, 19 years old, the son of the owner. He was found dead in Sittard on Thursday afternoon, he had been missing for more than a week.

Look at here the whole report.

Beek airport seems to remain open
There seems to be a majority in provincial politics in favor of keeping Maastricht Aachen Airport open. A decision will be made in two, but on Friday there was another committee meeting about the file of the airport in Beek.

Look at here the whole report.

Handball Venlo ready for a duel against VOC Amsterdam
The handball players of Handball Venlo are only one victory away from the national title. On Saturday afternoon, the job in the ‘best of three’ series with VOC Amsterdam can be completed in-house. The Venlo handball players have played themselves in an excellent starting position.

Look at here the whole report.

Maastricht is the bee capital of the Netherlands
Not Groningen, Rotterdam or Amsterdam, but Maastricht is the bee capital of the Netherlands. On this World Bee Day extra attention for our buzzing friends. They can use that because it is not going well with the bee in some places.

Look at here the whole report.

Speedometer Rewards Drivers And School
There is a very special speedometer in Brunssum. The bollard does not issue fines, but instead rewards drivers if they do not drive too fast. The digital speedometer is actually a piggy bank, intended to collect money for playground equipment at primary school.

Look at here the whole report.

Geleen drummer with British band The Gulls
Live performance from parking garages, the roof of a shop or a forest, it is not strange for the British folk rock band The Gulls. The idea arose during the corona pandemic, but in the meantime the English group has been touring Europe with Bob Kessels on drums for two years. They are now making a pit stop in Geleen, among other things, to record an album.

Look at here the whole report.
