L1mburg Central: Grieving among children in the Gino case | 1Limburg

Bereavement among children, progress in building Pinkpop and more Limburg news.

Bereavement among children in the Gino case
The news about Gino’s disappearance and tragic death has gripped many people for days. The drama is barely comprehensible for adults, let alone for children, peers of Gino. They also have many concerns and questions.

Look at here the whole report.

Niek Murray on the progress of Pinkpop’s build-up
Work has been going on on the site for weeks. As of today, Megaland is closed in preparation for Pinkpop next weekend. Headliners are Metallica, Pearl Jam and Imagine Dragons. After 2 years without the Landgraaf festival due to the corona pandemic, the 51st edition is different from the previous editions in a number of ways.

Look at here the whole report.

Danny Horsch one year priest
He was ordained a priest a year ago. Now chaplain Danny Horsch is in charge of 21 parishes in North Limburg. The motorcyclist carnival prince with Landgraaf roots found his calling after he heard the voice of God in his head at the age of 28. Now 10 years later, life has fallen into place for him.

Look at here the whole report.

The Valhalla of culinary Limburg
It was the biggest sensation during the awarding of the Michelin stars. Restaurant Julemont in Wittem received two stars in one fell swoop. Gulpen-Wittem has thus immediately become the culinary center of Limburg. In addition to Julemont, restaurant Atelier also received a coveted star. And the well-known chef Hans van Wolde has also established his star restaurant Brut172 in the same municipality. A week after the awarding of the stars we went back.

Look at here the whole report.

Cycling family Wings
Behind every adult athlete, there is a partner who supports him or her through thick and thin. But with young, talented cyclists, it often comes down to the parents. A father who maintains the bicycle and takes care of transport to competitions and a mother who prepares sports meals in the kitchen. This is also the case in the Vleugels family from Wijlre. Ruud and Tamara completely ignore themselves for their cycling sons.

Look at here the whole report.
