L1mburg Central: Day of action against air traffic nuisance | 1Limburg

Protest against Maastricht Aachen Airport, fertilizing with human excrement, daredevils defy roller coaster and more Limburg news

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Protest against Maastricht Aachen Airport
A national day of action against pollution and nuisance from air traffic. Local residents and action groups gathered at Schiphol and five regional airports today to make their voices heard. Of course also in Beek near Maastricht Aachen Airport, because a decision will soon be made here about the future of the airport. Although the discussion about air traffic is about much more than just whether or not an airport should be closed.

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Fertilize with human feces
Donate your own poop and pee to the farmer. That was possible today in Kelpen-Oler. Livestock farmer Thieu Bongers is participating in the national campaign ‘Give a Shit’. Fertilize the land with human excrement; may sound dirty. But it is desperately needed, says the farmer. Because it’s a shame to flush everything down the sewer.

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Daredevils brave roller coaster
You have to have a strong stomach for it, and maybe be a little crazy. Ride the roller coaster for 24 hours. It will soon be possible in Toverland amusement park in Sevenum, which is raising money for charity with this promotion. Last night the candidates who want to participate in the marathon were tested.

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Walking tour during Venloop
After the Amstel Gold Race, it is the largest sporting event in Limburg: the Venloop. Tomorrow the running race will take place, and today there will be a walk.

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Team Pex goes for new European Championship title
The Pex kart team wants to do good business at home in Genk this weekend to win a new European title this season. The Limburg team has proven that it manages to peak at the right time at major championships.

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Play with the help of ex-prisoners
A musical about women in prison. You can only present them credibly if you know what life is like there. And so the players of the musical Bad Girls started talking to ex-convicts. The result can be seen tonight in ‘t Raodhoes in Blerick.

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