L1mburg Central: Carnival celebrants in emergency care | 1Limburg

Horst mourns Guus Janssen, quite a few carnival celebrants ended up in the emergency room, the ashes cross is back and more Limburg news.

Horst mourns
Horst mourns Guus Janssen, the boy who was stabbed to death on Monday evening during a carnival evening on Sint Lambertusplein. His death hit like a bomb. On Wednesday, Horst’s carnival associations laid flowers on the spot where he died.

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Quite a few carnival celebrants in emergency care
According to the police, there were no major incidents or other striking events in Limburg this carnival, apart from the fatal stabbing in Horst. Still, quite a few carnival-goers ended up in hospital, not only because of alcohol, but also because of more violence, says the Zuyderland hospital in Sittard-Geleen. There, 41 carnival celebrants reported to the emergency department. Three quarters of them had drunk too much alcohol, a quarter had been the victim of violence.

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Ash cross back from being away
Not only the exuberant celebration is back, the ashes cross has also been taken out of the stable. Skipped last year, this year it could be made again on Ash Wednesday.

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Lesson at Al Jazeera about carnival
When George Kadr came from Syria to the asylum seekers center in Echt in 2013, he quickly became acquainted with the Limburg carnival. To his great surprise, Kadr saw great similarities with the carnival at home, where this popular festival is also celebrated in his former hometown of Homs. The writer, researcher and journalist even wrote a book about the origins of the carnival in the Arab region. A few years ago he made a report about the carnival parade in Echt for the Arab news channel Al Jazeera.

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Lifting beer glasses becomes lifting weights
After the carnival, many people return to the gym. Spring is the time to shed a few pounds before summer kicks in, but lifting weights isn’t easy after four days of beer lifting.

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Lowest number of women in Gennep city council
Municipal elections will take place in two weeks and residents of the 31 municipalities in Limburg will be able to elect a new council. Our province has the lowest number of women on the municipal council. Only slightly more than a quarter are women. At 12.5 percent, the municipality of Gennep has the lowest percentage in Limburg: two of the sixteen members are women.

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