L1mburg Central: Bob Wouda about the war in Ukraine | 1Limburg

Emergency aid ready for carnival, skating national coach looks back on Games and more Limburg news.

This is L1mburg Central from Thursday 24 February.

Bob Wouda and the war in Ukraine
Bob Wouda from Baexem has just returned from Limburg and has been living for days between hope and fear about his home country Ukraine. Wouda is a retired professional soldier and collects relief supplies for Ukraine. Wouda married a Ukrainian more than ten years ago. They live with their two sons in the capital Kiev. So Wouda is now in the Netherlands, his wife Diana and his children aged six and fourteen are still in Ukraine. They fled the air-raid shelter of the flat where they live on Thursday morning. From time to time Bob interacts with his wife through chat.

look at here the whole report.

Limburg companies and the war in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine is of course causing quite a bit of unrest, politically and economically internationally. The prices of gas and oil are skyrocketing and Limburg companies that do business with Ukraine or Russia have to take a rush to take emergency measures. What does this mean for Limburg’s business community?

look at here the whole report.

Emergency aid ready for carnival
Chunk pilots are always there, but the emergency department does not expect it to get extra busy with the carnival days. According to figures from the Maastricht Academic Medical Center, the number of admissions during the fixed weekend is comparable to a night out in Maastricht. Either way, the emergency room is prepared for anything, but they always are.

look at here the whole report.

Berpke, the symbol of the Ouch Wiever Vallekeberg
Valkenburg was in the news last year mainly because of the flood disaster. That disaster also hit the symbol of Valkenburg carnival. Because Berpke, as the symbol is called and has been hung by the Auw Wiever van Valkenburg for 53 years, was drowned last summer.

look at here the whole report.

Finally carnival in nursing homes again
Many elderly people in care homes are also happy to be able to celebrate carnival again after two corona years. Finally shuffleboard, singing along and coffee with a nonnevot, Thursday afternoon in community care center Heereveld in Landgraaf.

look at here the whole report.

It will be the mainstay of zate hermeniekes
No outdoor stages or organized entertainment, but a lot of room for spontaneity and whoops. It thus becomes the permanent home of the zate hermenie. Since the announced relaxation, these whoppers have been flooded with requests for performances.

look at here the whole report.

Skating national coach Jan Coopmans looks back on Games
It was not an easy Olympic Games for skating national coach Jan Coopmans. Although he enjoyed the ceremony at the royal couple at Noordeinde Palace, he had to put out many fires in Beijing. He is also disappointed with the team performance. De Baarlonaar hoped for two golds, but one bronze.

look at here the whole report.
