Kurt Vile: “(Watch My Moves)” (Review & Stream)





A slightly stoned count, a synthesizer that sounds like a spaceship taking off, a muddled guitar, a singer who doesn’t seem quite awake yet and delirious with the pain that bounces off his brain like exploding stones, from thoughts , playing pinball in his skull massaged by guitar feedback.

A 75-minute massage for the battered soul

Kurt Vile presented the pure head theater on the first single of his new album. Because he was on the road a lot – in his thoughts. While sitting by the window drinking coffee, reading and listening to Sun Ra records. This serenity is enviable. The Buddha of indie rock and “(Watch My Moves)”: the most relaxed chill-out music imaginable. A 75-minute massage for the battered soul.


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“Hey Like A Child”: New single from Kurt Vile

Kurt Vile presents a new single from “Watch My Moves” and stays true to his style. Listen to “Hey Like A Child” here.




