Kuravlev’s funeral will be held on February 1

Leonid Kuravlev

(Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/Global Look Press)

Leonid Kuravlev, who died on January 30 at the age of 86, will be buried on February 1 at the Troyekurovsky cemetery, reported “RIA News” in the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.

“The funeral of Leonid Kuravlev will take place on Tuesday, most likely at the Troekurovsky cemetery,” said a representative of the union.

The most charming and negative. Biography of Leonid Kuravlev

Earlier sources TASS and Interfax also reported that they planned to bury the artist at the Troekurovsky cemetery on February 1 or 2. Farewell to Kuravlyov is going to be organized at the Central House of Cinematographers, the interlocutor said TASS.

Leonid Kuravlev was admitted to a hospital in Kommunarka in early January with suspected coronavirus. As reported by his son Vasily, the test showed a negative result. The actor was diagnosed with pneumonia, she was cured, but after recovery, Kuravlev was transferred to a hospice.


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