Kunstdiefstal has been open for two years thanks to the opsporing program FAROEK | Faroek

He has the world in one of the best-known works: the diestal of two paintings and a gallery of art from Bruggeling David De Graef. There is a tip in politics for two years and there is a report on the FAROEK opsporing program, now it’s time for the door to open.

“I had my boontjes niet meer op te week gelegd.” Kunstenaar David De Graef is verrast nadat hijn two weken geleden van de politie te horen kreeg dat zijn stolen bilderijen terecht zijn. In the summer of 2021, two people went to the house with two pictures and a gallery, from the famous Bonifaciusbrug in the historical center of Brugge.

It’s on July 15, 2021, when David has a gallery in a print tomorrow, he notices that he has a picture before the entrance. “The pictures hung hugely on a steel cable. They were already snapped on the door,” says De Graef. A week later he created a two-dimensional work of art. “The dien kozen wéér voor a bilderij zo densely mogelijk near de uitgang. I thought that I wouldn’t come over again.”

The first time they went was the picture with the ‘Contact’ sign, or another message. © David De Graef

Signage located in Ostend

The politics of Brugge started with a second language and from the bewakingsbeelden of the first diestal. This is where two men from the gallery of David can walk. On the arm: a gigantic picture. The men are on-vindable. In May 2022, the FAROEK program will expand the warnings. A kijker herkende and van de two men.

The afgelopen twee year is the research of the politiezone Brugge blijven zoeken toar zijn kompaan. In the seed factory with the Oostende political zone, they were able to identify themselves and be interrogated. The two men, a veteran and a young man, both lived in West Vlaanderen. The sound of the two of them is still in good condition, the stalls are in the middle. The man is not available for sale. The other time loops for a moment now.

On February 13, the year from the political scene was shot in Ostend. The dieven hadden de works meteen overcooked. David is happy with the result: “One of the best clicks. Chapeau voor de politie that ze zijn blijven zoeken.”

Biechten en ode aan het moederschap

David’s portrayals are very easy to understand. Hij used two different sign techniques. Zo past his de ‘glaceertechniek’ toe: hej works zijn bilderijen laag per laag af, with transparent verf. “A heel of high-quality signage technology, if you want one to be ready, can be attached beforehand.” The process is also used in airbrushing. The word was published as the goods on the doek were blazed.

There is a description of what was stolen, it is also a good idea. “He has a forced vrouw before the goods communicate with the hair of the baby.” The other pictures are called ‘Confession’ – De Biecht. “You have a naked child, you want a priest-like figure.” Doors are made from different signage techniques and original designs, and are made from the works of David. These are in the diestal heeft hij extra veiligheidsmaatregelen in zijn galerij genomen: “Een ezel stoot zich geen twee keer aan dezelfde steen.”

'Confession', which was released in a few minutes, was stolen a week later.
‘Confession’, which was released in a few minutes, was stolen a week later. © David De Graef


KIJK. Parket spreads bewakingsbeelden of two men who were in the building tijdens de moord op Firdaous (11)

Dakloze Rudi (59) raakt zijn laatste centen kwijt tijdens en overval: “Everything was gone, my bags were empty”

KIJK. Bewakingscamera films the exact view of the area
