Kubicki leathers against Lauterbach lifestyle

Tough attack at the FDP state party conference in Hanover on Karl Lauterbach (59, SPD).

By Daniel Peters and Sebastian Geisler

Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki (70, FDP) leathered against the Federal Minister of Health.

Kubicki also spoke about his own health, saying he had white skin cancer lasered away. The spot on his apparently affected nose was clearly reddened. He also took on the energy policy of the traffic light government: “In such a phase, in which we are now, not to rely on our own domestic capacity, but to drive around the world and beg that others will relieve us of the problems, I think it’s irresponsible,” he said.

Then he moved on to the topic of Corona – and started on Lauterbach and his lifestyle.

︎ Kubicki: “The second big problem is the pandemic with Mr. Lauterbach. Maybe the Lauterbach topic doesn’t fit, I should actually have given a happy speech. The man doesn’t eat salt, the man doesn’t eat sugar, doesn’t drink alcohol, doesn’t have a girlfriend. My God, what does this man get out of life – apart from Corona.”

Incidentally, it is not true that Lauterbach does not drink alcohol. He even once said to the “Spiegel”: “I eat very one-sidedly, I don’t eat vegan, I drink wine every day.”

Kubicki continued to attack the Minister of Health and his Corona policy: “We are on a ghost trip across Europe. New Zealand has dropped the pandemic measures. Across Europe there is no longer a mask requirement and no longer a quarantine requirement, it is going into an endemic situation. Anyone who feels sick should stay at home. Only we in Germany are going our own way.”

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (59, SPD) Photo: dpa

And because of Lauterbach.

Much to Kubicki’s displeasure. He went on to rant: “We live in a constitutional state, we don’t reserve any restrictions on fundamental rights.” He was certain that the pandemic with the Omicron variant had lost its horror. Germany should behave like all other European countries.

“Karl Lauterbach can also learn,” said the FDP federal vice.

Sounds like traffic light trouble…
