KSA’ers left for 100 km of Joepie fun and lots of blisters

KSA’ers left for 100 km of Joepie fun and lots of blisters

The KSA’ers receive a blind card with which they start their Joepie tour in Ypres. At the next checkpoint, the draft technique changes. In this way they cover 100 kilometers in four days. In total there are eleven departure locations in Flanders.

“Many Blisters and Pain”

There are a total of 3200, of which 1200 West Flemish youngsters. The last Joepie is now, due to corona, four years ago. It’s a successful concept that they don’t tinker with much.

Although the participants all expect something different. From “a lot of blisters and pain” to “having a lot of fun”.

The Zeepreventorium, a rehabilitation center for children up to the age of eighteen, is also joining the West Flemish KSA groups.
