Krzysztof Wierzbicki lifted 502.5 kilos in the ground – a new world record?

Krzysztof Wierzbicki says he has lifted ME irons into the air.

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson has been the holder of ME with a result of 501 kilos. AOP

Polish traction expert Krzysztof Wierzbicki may currently be the holder of an unofficial ME result.

Generation Iron and Fitness Volt, which specializes in bodybuilding, strength and fitness, report that Wierzbicki lifted 502.5 pounds off the ground during training.

Wierzbicki released a video of the lifting Instagram account in the story section. If the video doesn’t appear below, you can watch it from here.

The Icelander has been considered the world record man in the field of hauling Hafþór Júlíus Björnssoniawhich lifted 501 pounds of air in May 2020.

Björnsson passed at the time Eddie Hallin, who lifted 500 pounds in the summer of 2016 in Leeds. Admittedly, Björnsson’s record has been considered somewhat questionable, as the man was unable to take part in the official competition due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, Björnsson performed at a pre-announced event in his home hall.

Wierzbicki uses traction straps and the so-called sumo style in his lifting. In sumo style traction, the legs are wider than the hands. There is no information on other possible support instruments.

Björnsson and Hall have a background in powerlifting competitions where sumo style is not allowed. Hall comments on Wierzbick’s withdrawal on Instagram.

– I couldn’t lift more than 400 pounds in sumo style. People can argue all day about how it compares to conventional hauling. I have tried both myself. I know how hard it is. For some it is easy and for others it is difficult, but in any case that is over half a ton and it was lifted by a 105-pound man. I think it’s damn impressive, Hall praised.

Born in 1990, Wierzbick has a background in powerlifting. In 2015, he competed in the World Championships in classic powerlifting in Salo and won 93-pound gold. At that time, the man pulled 355 pounds from the ground, benched 187.5 pounds and squatted 290 pounds.

The Polish is an unknown factor compared to Björnsson and Hall. Where the latter two have millions of followers on social media, the Polish Instagram account is followed by just over 64,000 people.
