Krottegem residents vote for a green, pleasant neighbourhood

Krottegem residents vote for a green, pleasant neighbourhood

In September 2022, the citizen budget in Krottegem was started. With a budget of 200,000 euros, residents of Krottegem can choose which project they want to realize in the neighbourhood. The budget can be spent on projects within the themes of greenery, meeting and connection. All Krottegem residents were given the opportunity to submit ideas to make their neighborhood better, greener and more pleasant.

In addition to the trajectory with adults (160,000 euros), separate trajectories were provided with and for children (20,000 euros) and young people (20,000 euros). In addition, under the guidance of social community workers from Saamo and FMDO (Federation of Global and Democratic Organisations), various target groups, sometimes more difficult to reach, were addressed. Over the past few weeks, adults were able to vote for their favorites from around 30 projects.

Green and cosy

In addition, efforts will now be made on the fourteen selected projects. The focus is clearly on a green and pleasant neighbourhood. The following projects that inject more green into the neighborhood were appreciated: green streets where street by street is examined to see what greening is possible, the creation of a bee ribbon where green zones are sown with native plants and flowers and serve as a nectar buffet for the bees, flower bulbs in the Bataviastraat, the planting of signal trees, a greenhouse for the vegetable garden in ‘t Elsenhof and the installation of 15 herb containers on the sidewalk.

In addition, the following projects should contribute to extra cosiness in Krottegem and create opportunities for residents to meet: a monthly market should make the OLV Market the beating heart of the neighbourhood. Krottegem is also brightened up by giving more color to utility boxes, for example, and in the winter months the neighborhood is made more cozy thanks to the group purchase of mood lights. The Kraaknette Ardooisesteenweg project wants to convince everyone of the importance of a clean environment.

The purchase of a few tents that can be rented by neighborhood associations makes it easier to organize something throughout the year, the picnic bench in the front garden of Pas Par Toe, an organization for adults with a disability, wants to encourage meeting and should everyone find their way to the playing infrastructure in Krottegem. Finally, the well-known chickens were not forgotten, because the Kippegem citizen project is also getting new material.

Children and young people

Children and young people also had an input. Projects were started together with various partners from the broad youth work. During various class sessions, pupils from the 5th grade of De Mozaïek, De Plataan and the Spanjeschool decided on how their 20,000 euros could be spent. Together they opted for a raised play tree platform. Votes were also cast on, among other things, the planting of (climbing) trees, basketball hoops, the design of banners on road safety and waste, the organization of a workshop pimping fluorescent jackets, and so on.

Young people then went out with polaroids in the neighborhood and thus visualized what they liked, but also what could be improved. Based on these findings, a number of projects were formulated by the young people.

All voted projects will be launched in the coming year.
