Kroos sets up his own football academy

Special announcement from Toni Kroos: The world champion is starting a virtual football academy. It starts after the EM.

Photo series with 15 pictures

“I announced big news yesterday, so here it is” – with these words Toni Kroos introduced a special message in a video on his social media channels: The 31-year-old from Real Madrid is starting his own virtual football academy – via an app. It starts on August 8th.

“I’ve had the idea of ​​doing something of this nature for a long time after my career, although I was thinking more of a real academy,” Kroos explains to t-online.

But the past few months have caused the 2014 world champion to rethink: “When Corona came last year, I first launched the ToniKroosChallenge, which was incredibly well received. That’s why I decided to use the lockdown and set up a virtual academy call. The corresponding app is in the final stages of development.”

Among other things, the application should include special training exercises with which users can improve their skills. There should also be insights into the life of the real star.


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