Kristian Heiskari got a rescue dog – published a cute picture

BB winner Kristian Heiskari is a dog owner today.

Two-time reality TV winner Kristian Heiskari shared the good news on Instagram. The man has acquired a rescue dog from Spain.

The happy dog ​​owner shared photos of the new family member on social media. Heiskari has already given his dog a name.

If the image is not visible, you can view it from here.

– He is SpongeBob. He moved to me from the local rescue shelter. This 1-year-old gringo lived with a Spanish family who got bored and left him in a shelter, the BB winner reveals in the caption.

Heiskari writes that he has dreamed of getting a dog for a long time. Now the dream has finally come true.

Kristian Heiskari is now a new dog owner. Pete Anikari

– After three years of waiting on the matter, I visited the shelter, where Paavo and I instantly fell in love. We went for walks for three days and the decision was clear, says Heiskari.

A few familiar BB faces came to congratulate the new dog owner in the comment thread of the update. The group includes, among other things, the 2021 BB winner Jasmine Yildiz and competed in the same year Samir Kallio.

– Absolutely wonderful, Jasmiina commented on the photo.

Heiskari became public in 2019 when he won the BB program. Pete Anikari

In addition to BB, Heiskari has also competed in Survivors, which he won in 2021. This spring, he was seen in Farm, where the man’s journey ended in the middle of everything. The man later had to admit his disappointment.

– The first feeling was a huge disappointment, but we quickly got over it and life goes on. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, now we lost, he wrote after the program on Instagram.

The man has already hinted that he will no longer be seen in reality TV shows.

– My time as a reality TV participant is beginning to be patted. However, I have a small reservation here, namely that you should never say never. If there is a format where you can throw yourself to the pain limits of physical and mental endurance, I’m interested! With a suitable compensation, of course, we can still see each other in a Swedish parasite hotel, Heiskari said.
