Kretschmann open to a stricter asylum course and the payment card

STUTTGART (dpa-AFX) – In the German refugee and asylum debate, Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann is open to a tougher course. “We have to take all measures that serve to curb irregular migration,” said the Green politician on Wednesday in an interview with Südwestrundfunk (SWR) in Stuttgart. “That means, of course, we also have to curb false incentive factors. And that’s why I’m very open to a cash card.”

So far, the demand for a switch to benefits in kind or payment cards has come primarily from the Union parties and the governing party FDP. The traffic light coalition partner the Greens has so far been against it and points to too much effort. The local associations are also reluctant to do so for fear of too much bureaucracy. Several state leaders want to propose a payment card at the Prime Minister’s Conference this week in Hesse. On November 6th they will also meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

However, Kretschmann also admitted in the interview that it would not be manageable organizationally if everything was done through contributions in kind. “People have to get what they need themselves,” he told SWR. “We already have payment systems with cards, so we’ll probably get there.” Like Migration State Secretary Siegfried Lorek (CDU) before him, the Prime Minister also called for a common nationwide solution. “As many countries as possible should do this so that migration does not arise again to places where this is not implemented,” said Kretschmann.

But he warned against making demands that could not be implemented. “In the end, we have nothing but annoyance.”/mov/DP/ngu
