Kremlin critic Navalny al three dagen misst: “Zorgwekkend, hij sukkelde eerder ook met gezondheid” | Buitenland

Kremlin critic Aleksej Navalny is missing all three. The first word from Kira Yarmysh can be seen via X. The family has serious concerns about this, this week it will also be here with their children.

Navalny is largely in the known IK-6 penalty camp in Melechovo, 250 kilometers east of Moscow. The rules are also open in a isolating space.

“Zijn advocaten stonden de hele dag posted aan IK-6 en IK-7 (and another penalty in Segezha; nvdr),” aldus Yarmish. “Op both parts of the house can be heard by the two of them when they wake up, and they will be there again.”

“The situation is just as bad as it was last week and has already become a reality. Hij will be duizelig en most on the ground gaan liggen. He has a wonderful person who has met him for a long time and has an infuus.”

“We don’t know what it’s worth,” says Yarmish Verder. “Navalny krijgt geen eten, zit in a cel zonder ventilatie en krijgt amper de tijd om a wandeling te maken. “Om the talking ones we’re ready for a hongerklop.”

“If the incident had Aleksey not in contact with his advocaten, then he would be re-delivered. Now it’s a real three-day complete wind style. Zelfs brieven – the uiteraard has been censureerd – hebben we al een hele week niet meer ontvangen,” said Yarmish.

KIJK. The pendants of Navalny were placed in a replica of the cell that was placed in Berlin

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