Koulibaly to Juve, Napoli and De Laurentiis are shaking: the negotiation

De Laurentiis wants 35-40 million and would not want to sell the defender expiring in a year to his rivals, but in Turin they are ready to satisfy him

No, he doesn’t. Kalidou Koulibaly has become over the years a symbol of Naples even before the symbol of Naples. For this reason, even thinking that he can move to Juve makes the Azzurri fans restless.

A true Neapolitan

The Senegalese, in fact, is a totem in which many in these parts identify themselves. Koulibaly was able to react to the initial difficulties, went against the racist howls and never neglects to make silent gestures of solidarity towards the “last”: in short, he is a true Neapolitan, perhaps even more than “Ciro” Mertens (by the way, the Belgian made it clear that he would like to stay in blue but in the meantime he is evaluating a rich offer from Antwerp). Therefore, giving Koulibaly to Juve would mean giving up a piece of the city even if by now the Napoli fans have resigned themselves to seeing their champions leave and – in some respects – have even become addicted to the idea that they can wear the shirt. black and white. The detachment from Higuain a few years ago was experienced with enormous suffering but was then digested thanks to the sparkling game of Sarri’s team (he also ended up near the Stadium after going through the London “purgatory”). Now, however, more than a piece of the puzzle risks shattering … the whole puzzle because that of Koulibaly would be yet another painful farewell after those of Insigne and Ospina and after the probable one of Mertens (bearing in mind that also on Osimhen there are strong Arsenal and Tottenham).


Therefore, losing the “Commander” – as Spalletti defined Koulibaly – would be serious just when a real revolution is taking place. The contract expiring in 2023 still leaves all avenues open: the renewal (otherwise difficult), the permanence until the natural expiry of the relationship but also the sale (at a high price because De Laurentiis wants at least 35-40 million). Let’s be clear not only Juventus have come forward (given that Barcelona, ​​Psg and Chelsea are looking for a defender of international standing) but obviously in Naples even just reading that Agnelli and his team have set their sights on Koulibaly scares not a little. This time, however, there is no release clause to somehow favor the transfer to Juventus because the approval of De Laurentiis would still be necessary at the closing of the deal and – given the moment of low popularity in the city – it is difficult to imagine that the Napoli president can give the ok. He would prefer, eventually, a sale abroad so as to also preserve Koulibaly’s relationship with Naples.


By the way, Kalidou has clearly said that in the event that he goes away he will want to do it “in peace” and obviously he also knows that moving to Juve would represent a “tear”. However, Koulibaly has given his agent Ramadani a mandate to evaluate all possible options without neglecting any. The Senegalese feels strong about the fact that in Naples and Napoli he has always given everything and that he is also willing to stay in blue without renewing. However, he has a legitimate desire to be involved in a short-term winning project as he turns 31 tomorrow. He is waiting for the last important contract of his career, regardless if he will sign it this summer or next. Napoli will try to submit him an agreement that can satisfy him but for sure it will not come close to the current 6 million per year. A figure that Juventus could guarantee to the Senegalese central and this too obviously scares those fans for whom Koulibaly in Turin essentially represents the sweet memory of a winning goal at the ninetieth. A frame that still no one in Naples wants to get out of their minds.
