Kotikatu actress Nelly Kärkkäinen’s career waned – Now reveal what happened on TV

Nelly Kärkkäinen is remembered as Kotikatu’s Ninni Luotola.

Nelly Juulia Kärkkäinen is 42 years old. As a high school student, she imagined that she would become a mother at this age.

– I don’t have a child. And I won’t have that child, says Kärkkäinen in an interview with Ani Kellomäki.

In Flinkkilä & Kellomää, Kärkkäinen talks about his unintentional childlessness and the grief that has followed his fate.

Nelly Juulia Kärkkäinen has made a personal play about her infertility with the work group. Pudota is currently running at the National Theatre. Riitta Heiskanen

Kärkkäinen also talks openly about the ways she tried to get pregnant in addition to fertility treatments. One such was putting her acting career on the shelf.

– You put your career on the line. You focused on this issue, Kellomäki explains.

– Yeah. It can be really hard to understand. And it’s embarrassing to talk about because it’s completely absurd. But I’m talking, says Kärkkäinen.

In practice, everything happened so that Kärkkäinen, who is remembered as Ninni Luotola of the super popular Kotikatu, for example, did not want to be attached to the theater.

– I made such decisions in my career that I didn’t take a job. I didn’t dream of jobs and I didn’t do anything for them, Kärkkäinen recalls.

The obvious followed.

– Even my rather up-and-coming career waned. I thought that I have to put my dream of having children first because otherwise it won’t happen.

– Absolutely absurd! he states now.

For Nelly Juulia Kärkkäinen, giving up on her dream of having children has been a painful thing, but ending fertility treatments also comes with a sense of relief. HARRI HINKKA, Yle

Kärkkäin has no religious background and his life is not based on mysticism or anything supernatural. He just thought that the child won’t come if he focuses on anything else. She wanted to be a mother so badly.

When it became clear that Kärkkäinen would not be a mother, she learned to let go of her dream. He has dealt with the issue from many angles, and it hasn’t all been just sadness and loss. For example, he has discovered a completely new feeling: self-compassion.

– It’s a pretty amazing feeling!

Ani Kellomäki’s (center) guest is not only Nelly Juulia Kärkkäinen, but also her good friend and colleague Eeva Soivio (right), who has had her own grief work. HARRI HINKKA, Yle

Flinkkilä & Kellomäki today on TV1 at 17:10. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
