Koru Academy | News

Karina, how did the Academy come about and for what purpose was it carried out?

As an institution we are new in the professional and labor training market. Through different paths, those of us who formed Academia Koru have been providing training in leadership and management of good work environments.

In my particular case, in the isolation of 2021, I discovered that my colleagues in professional training did not have a close connection with their colleagues and leaders. I am a teacher, director, at school we had developed several instances of meeting, containment (we even did zoom-pamentos, Teacher’s Day parties, end of the year) and that generated in me the need to help others to humanize their jobs.

What are the services you provide?

We have two types of services: one to companies that present their needs to us and we develop a training and/or support service accordingly; and on the other hand training for individuals. These trainings have official certification of national validity, which can be seen on our website.

Our main training is the 9-week TEAM UP Conscious Leaders Transformation Program. We approach leadership in a comprehensive manner, including individual mentoring, since we believe that we lead from our personal construction. On October 18, this year’s third cohort began.

What are your differentials in the sector?

The difference is our basic conception of how we lead. Transforming into a conscious leader is a process, a personal work of developing soft skills from the person we are. The development of white skills is not achieved with the mere presentation of them, but with showing ways to incorporate them, accompanying the process. This is why our groups are small to be available for our students.

And in turn, the official national validity of the certification. This means that in addition to acquiring leadership skills, the CV of our students differs from other candidates for the same position. Currently, when selecting a candidate, the focus is on the soft skills that they have been able to develop.

How do you project your brand in the medium term?

We want to create new spaces for connection and participation. In November we started a membership for graduates of our training and students. This is a monthly group mentoring where members can bring situations to analyze and illuminate.

We have received some concerns about retreats for leaders, we will see if it is a need to serve.

Contact information:

Web: https://academiakoruliderazgo.com

WhatsApp 1157004391

Instagram and Facebook; @karinabressanfacilitadora


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