Kortrijk’s new station continues to meet with protest

Kortrijk’s new station continues to meet with protest

But heritage minister Matthias Diependaele decided yesterday not to protect the old building so that the NMBS can continue with its plan. The NMBS does give two works of art from the old building a prominent place in the new station, namely the bas-relief on the facade and a mosaic.

According to Minister Diependaele, enough buildings from that reconstruction period are already protected. But the Kortrijk station building has recently been placed on the list of seven most endangered heritage sites in Europe.

“This building has received so much international recognition because it is unique. This building must continue to exist. Minister Diependaele has also said a number of things that are not entirely consistent with my truth,” explains Hendrik Nelde of the Flemish Association for Industrial Archaeology.

Nelde will therefore not accept this decision. “Corrugated sheets and plastic are not my thing. If we listen to each other with respect from both sides, I am convinced that all the requirements of the future can be met while preserving this building. I will wake up more people to warn what is going on will come and what it might be.”

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