Kortrijk focuses on ‘slow shopping’: more than just shopping

Kortrijk focuses on ‘slow shopping’: more than just shopping

The first experiment is a temporary ‘play and experience forest’ on the Groene Kring. Experiments will follow later to arrive at a design next year. Shopping should become a quiet activity: ‘slow shopping’, in order to gain more than a shopping experience in the city.

First car-free shopping area in the country

Kortrijk was the 1st city in Belgium with a pedestrian shopping area.

“Given the changed society, Kortrijk now wants to take the lead again in adapting the pedestrian shopping area to the new zeitgeist,” says the city.

“Kortrijk wants to put the pedestrian shopping area in the spotlight this summer with pop-up experiments and a campaign on slow shopping. Both actions are part of the launch of the master plan to make the pedestrian shopping area of ​​the city more attractive.”
