Korting op energiefactuur voor iedereen, March 1 op 5 moet ze mogelijk terugbetalen | energy prizes

De regering wil vandaag de laatste hand leggen aan een basic package for gas in electricity. In practice, in November and December, a correction was made to the past on the energy fact. Within the regering there is a charge on the table of 50 euros per amount for gas and 10 euros per amount for electricity for a door opening.

He really won’t discuss a policy over how this comes in a note. Want to increase the size of the group, increase the size of the group. Circulate vanishing scenario’s. As a social tariff of a vast (gas) contract heeft, wordt well carried out by the steunmaatregel. Verschillende regeringspartijen will also de 20% highest Belgian income weren – maar daaronder vallen net many working Vlamingen. The next step is to have a belastingbrief in the future. Maar the ingreep is not grandson technically omslachtig, hij is also politiek onpopulair. There is a value for money – a package with an income of 2,500 euros net for one street – possibly even further away.

De federale regering is he dus not helemaal uit, maar ze wil we soon beslissen – onder sea om het verschilt te maken met de Vlaamse regering. The water state is also high: the Vlaamse energy regulator VREG calculates that the average energy factor for a given period in September is open tot 9,200 euros per year.

For the financing of the basic package, Vivaldi de opbrengst takes part in the calculations from Europe over winstbelasting op energiebedrijven. Energiewaakhond CREG is aan het becijferen hoeveel zo’n belasting in ons land zou opleveren – the raming comes tomorrow within.

Bekijk also: With these practical tips bespaar je fast op energiefactuur
