Konex Awards 2022: recognition of the Visual Arts

the plastic artist Louis Philippe NoePresident of Grand Jury of the Konex Awards 2022in the company of President of the Konex Foundation, Dr. Luis Ovsejevich, announced the 100 most outstanding personalities of the last decade of national Visual Arts. A list made up of twenty disciplines linked to the arts, in which five artists are designated in each category.

The delivery of the Diplomas of Merit will be held on Tuesday, September 13 at Konex Cultural Center. In this way, the annual granting of the Konex Awards, this being its 43rd edition and the fifth time focused on the arts of form and image. In the history of the awards, the acquisition of the Brilliant Konexthe highest award given by the institution, was given to visual artists Horatio Butler (1982), Juan Carlos Distefano (1992), Victor Grippo Y Louis Philippe Noah (2002), and leon ferrari jtogether with Cesar Pelli (2012).

Among the artists recognized by the diploma are the referents of painting Max Gomez Canle, Silvia Gurfein, Grace Hasper,Magdalena Jitrik Y Leila Tschop. claudia aranovich Y Elba Bairon, among others, for the payroll in the sculpture discipline. Also, the designers Gino Bogani, Marian Cortes, Mariana Dappiano, Paul Ramirez Y Andrea Saltzmann, will be part of next Tuesday’s mention, as will the cartoonists Serge Langer Y Max Hookah. With those mentioned, they add up to a hundred artists from various disciplines, ranging from installation to the arts of fire. This year, exceptionally, the discipline “Visual Arts Entities” is added to recognize institutions of outstanding work in the last decade.

Following the tradition of previous years , the Special Lifetime Achievement Awards, on this occasion to the consecrated Ruben Fontana Y Liliana Porter. It is added to the special recognition linked to the regional referents, with the delivery of the Mercosur Konex Awardsto Chilean Alfredo Jaarthe Brazilian Rosana Paulino and the Uruguayan Anne Tiscornia.

Konex Award

The figures who died during the 2012-2021 decade will have their memory in Los Inolvidables. Norbert Gomez, Jorge Gumier-Maier, Maria Juana Heras Velasco, Gyula Kosice, Margaret Paksa, Alexander Bridge, Juan Carlos Romero, Guillermo Roux, Graciela Sacco and Clorindo Testa, all of whom in turn received the Konex Award in previous editions, will be honored at the event. In this context, the graphic humorist Quino (Joaquín Lavado) was chosen as the Honorary Konex for a prominent personality who died in the last decade.

The Konex Awards They were instituted in 1980 with the purpose of sowing the future, annually distinguishing the most valuable personalities in all the branches that make up the country’s cultural spectrum. The ceremony, in which the 21 Platinum Konex, the Special Mentions, the Mercosur Konex, the Honor Konex and the Brilliant Konex will be awarded, will be held on November 8th.

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