Kogerstrand bridge too expensive: Construction of a new road to the Texel beach

Not a bridge, but a road as a definitive solution for access to Kogerstrand on Texel. This is the conclusion of the proposal that the mayor and aldermen on Texel want to submit to the municipal council. On closer inspection, the new bridge would be far too expensive. It is not known how much the new bridge would cost.

Photo: Kogerstrand bridge too expensive: Construction of new road to the Texel beach – NH News/Edo Kooiman

“The road keeps the beach accessible to everyone and is a solution that will also last in the long term,” says councilor Cees Hooijschuur in a press release. In the past there was an old bridge, but it had to be removed for safety reasons. During an inspection of the bridge over the parking lot of Kogerstrand campsite at the end of last year, it turned out that one of the pillars had defects. It was then decided to close the 1996 bridge. Cars were no longer allowed to cross it, but pedestrians were.

Emergency bridge

The discussion about the new bridge has now been going on for almost a year. The municipality has temporarily constructed an emergency bridge to keep the beach and pavilions accessible. This bridge is not accessible to cars or trucks. “The development of the management of our North Sea coast makes a permanent road as a definitive solution for access to Kogerstrand a sustainable and good choice,” the council said in a press release.

“The sea level rise requires higher coastal defense. To achieve this, the coastal parties will apply dynamic coastal management. By allowing sand to drift inland to the underlying dune area, the dunes grow along with the sea level rise. The starting point is to move along with the growth. This creates a path into a good and, above all, future-proof solution,” the press release states.

Tug of war

The bridge must be located on the site of the Kogerstrand campsite, which is owned by De Krim. In the preliminary stages, a dispute arose over ownership of the bridge, which delayed the new construction. The municipality then took responsibility for realizing the new bridge. The Texel municipal council ultimately agreed to have a new bridge built for six tonnes. This would initially be ready just before the high season in mid-July. “There is a 95 percent chance that this will work, although I can never give a complete guarantee,” said councilor Hooijschuur at the time in April

Photo: Kogerstrand Bridge – NH News/Edo Kooiman

Later the councilor had to go back on that promise. The bridge could not be completed before the high season. “The delivery of the necessary technical drawings slows down the process of achieving a safe and future-proof bridge in a timely manner. Despite the fact that the material is already largely available, it is not possible to realize a customized and definitive bridge before the summer and to ensure safety “, the council told beach entrepreneurs in June this year.

Now it appears that the bridge will not be built at all. “A permanent road is maintenance-friendly and flexible to grow along the coast,” the council said. “Maintenance of a bridge is more complex and comprehensive. Finally, the final costs for the construction and installation of a new bridge also increase enormously due to current safety requirements.”

“The aim is to have the road ready for the new season.”

College Texel

In consultation with the owner of Kogerstrand campsite, a number of scenarios are being examined to properly examine mobility in this new situation. Director Iwan Groothuis confirms that he was informed by councilor Cees Hooijschuur on Friday, but does not want to get ahead of things yet. He first discusses the situation within his organization.

Beach entrepreneurs have also been informed. The council will still have to submit the decision to the council. The plan will first be discussed in the council committee on November 1. “The aim is to have the road ready for the new season,” the press release states.
