Koen Kardashian brought down by Telegraaf star: ‘Irritating and sad!’

Koen Kardashian causes quite a bit of irritation at Kitty Herweijer, the successor of Rob Goossens at De Telegraaf. “I saw him at the butcher’s and the whole scene made me so sad.”

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29-year-old Koen Pieter van Dijk, better known as Koen Kardashian, is one of the most famous influencers in the country. He likes to surround himself with women who are seen as surfaces, such as Estelle Cruijff and Jaimie Vaes. He is a ‘super annoying’ boy, according to media reporter Kitty Herweijer of De Telegraaf.

sad scene

Kitty has seen Koen in real life and then found him very sad, she says in the podcast Unfiltered† “Koen Kardashian has a bit of a drug problem and that is in and out of rehab all the time. A super annoying guest. I saw him a while ago on the Elandsgracht. That was last year.”

What was he doing there? “Then he went to buy a sandwich from the butcher. He had parked his bike and before he took a bite of his sandwich he put his phone in the stand of his bike and then he went to take a bite of his sandwich for the camera. That scene made me so sad.”

“So psycho!”

Yet Kitty thinks it is going too far how hard Koen is treated by Yvonne Coldeweijer. The influencer is so furious with Yvonne that he has called on people to cancel her. According to Yvonne, Koen’s family was grateful for the juice which she spread about his drug use, because he went into rehab afterwards.

Kitty: “I find this so psycho. Then you’re really out of your mind at all. When you say ‘dear Koen’ and ‘love Yv’… What are you doing? The Priest of the Fatherland who is going to determine what people should do. I was excited about this in the beginning, but that moral tone is very irritating.”

hypermoral hyena

In the beginning Kitty was still a big fan of Yvonne. “So I was really a fan of the juice channels from the start. I really enjoyed it, Yvonne Coldeweijer, my homegirl. But I have to say, I’m a bit tired of it. I like the moral high ground that is played all the time on the juice channels… Now I know.”

The Telegraaf journalist is now completely done with her. “She really has become a kind of hypermoral hyena, terrible. It’s really starting to bother me.”

Finally: what does Kitty think of Koen calling himself Kardashian? “That’s a bit sad.”


The podcast Unfiltered:
