Koen Blommestijn wants to score at Telstar: “I can score the most goals here”

Koen Blommestijn is Telstar’s most recent acquisition. The 22-year-old attacker must provide Mike Snoei’s team with the necessary goals this season. Blommestijn rented from FC Volendam consciously chose to stay at the White Lions. “Together with Glynor Plet in the striker I do my best.”

Koen Blommestijn: “I think I can score the most goals here” – NH Sport/Frank van der Meijden

“It soon became clear at FC Volendam that she wanted Henk Veerman to fetch. I could sit on the bench a lot in the Eredivisie for a year, or would I choose to be loaned out and play a lot with a team in the first division. In the end it became the latter,” said Blommestijn about his choice for Telstar.

Correia & Land Joy

Blommestijn was brought in on the intercession of Telstar assistants Ulrich Landvreugd and Anthony Correia, who are also the head coaches of AFC and Katwijk respectively. “There were also other clubs, but I also chose Telstar because of the trainers. I knew Uli and Anthony from the second division. Moreover, I think that because of Telstar’s way of playing football, I can score the most goals here,” he says. blommestine.

“Together with Glynor Plet in the rush, I do my best”

Telstar player Koen Blommestijn

Blommestijn seems to be the ideal man to form the attack in Velsen-Zuid together with captain and veteran Glynor Plet. “I think that I can play with Plet, with two strikers, that I can come into my own there. I can also play around Plet, that is certainly a possibility,” said the striker who scored twenty times in the last year. second division.

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Koen Blommestijn: “Together with Plet in the rush, I do my best” – NH Sport

Nose for the goal

Trainer Mike Snoei is delighted with the arrival of Blommestijn and thanks to the attacker, he has more opportunities in the vanguard. “He came through the intercession of my assistants who have seen him play a lot in the second division. He made it very difficult for their teams. He is difficult to play and he has a nose for the goal. He is also a boy who wants to work hard. work”, says Snoei his latest acquisition.

Mike Snoei about Koen Blommestijn: “I didn’t even know him that well” – NH Sport

Telstar will play its first game of the new season in the first division on Monday evening. Young Ajax is the opponent in Amsterdam. The duel can be followed live via an extra radio broadcast on NH Radio. The kick-off in Amsterdam is at 8 p.m. The preview starts an hour earlier.

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