Koe Toos has a bad evening: ‘She’s not that smart’ | Achterhoek

LIEVELDE – Cow Toos from farmer Luc Ratering from Lievelde has had a lousy Friday afternoon and evening because she was stuck with her head between two trees for a few hours. Toos – after farmer Luc had freed her – gave less milk than usual because of the stress.

Ratering, who has his farm on Lievelderweg between Lievelde and Groenlo, brought in his 48 cows on Friday afternoon. While milking, the farmer discovered that he was missing a cow.

‘Wei is 380 meters long’

“So I went looking,” says Ratering. “The cows were walking in the pasture on the other side of the road. At first I didn’t see her. But it’s a long pasture – 380 meters long – and completely on the at the end she was stuck with her head between two trees that were in a v-shape.”

Cow Toos is stuck between two trees in the meadow on Lievelderweg in Lievelde. © Luc Ratering

Ratering drove the tractor across the meadow. He had a construction lamp with him and his phone so he could take pictures. A saw was not necessary to free 6-year-old Toos. Rating: ,,The cow is not that smart. It was a matter of pushing the head up 30 centimetres, then Toos was liberated again.”

Running to the stable

A video that Ratering made on the spot shows that cow Toos goes home at a trot. “A cow is a herd animal,” says Ratering. “Normally a cow doesn’t make such a speed, but she becomes very unhappy when she is alone. So she ran to the barn. Toos had quite a bit of stress. That was too notice because she gave less milk.”

Ratering posted his experience on Twitter. He does this more often, but to his surprise he now had 900 likes in no time. “Never experienced this before,” says Ratering. “From people from Amsterdam and Rotterdam whom I don’t know at all!”
