“Kobido” facial massage with lifting effect: what it is and why try it

NoIt doesn’t necessarily require fillers and touch-ups: it’s possible to tone the tissues and relax the facial skin in a natural way. As? Thanks to Kobido, aancient Japanese massage technique which promises a instant lifting effect, without needles or pain. Here are all the benefits explained by an expert facialist.

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“Kobido massage” for the face, how it works

Highly appreciated in the land of the Rising Sun, the so-called Kobido is a facial ritual that began to develop in Japan as early as the 15th century. «According to Japanese tradition, beauty is the reflection of a stable balance between body and mind» he begins to explain Andrea Benfatto, massage therapist and masseur.

Specifically, «the Kobido it is a particular type of treatment that draws its origins from aancient Japanese practicewhich spread throughout the East starting from 1472 and known, not surprisingly, as “the massage of eternal youth”» says the expert.

In particular, «during the Kobido massagethe skin of the neck and face (but also the head) is subjected to a very particular manual massage which improves its appearance and tone, producing a real “natural lifting” effect as it is possible to refine the texture of the skin and to minimize the aging process.”

In addition, «this ancient massage manages to stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation, increasing oxygenation of the skin and promoting the production of substances such as collagen and elastinessential for preserving the tone and firmness of the skin tissue».

How the Kobido massage is performed

“The Kobido it’s a complete treatment consisting of a sequence of fluid manual movements which act in a targeted and personalized way based on needs” specifies the masseur. “The maneuvers require avery high skill on the part of the professionalsince the ritual is implemented exclusively by exploiting the hand manipulation and the movement of the fingers”.

Among the movements that make up this facial Oriental, «prhythmic percussion and touches that stimulate skin and muscle toning as well as vasodilation. Then, «thekneadings intended to promote blood circulation and tissue oxygenation”. Then we proceed with «sblooms of variable intensity to create a state of relaxation.”

Not least, «ftargeted ritions to generate friction between adjacent tissues e increase blood flow ivibrations capable of promoting muscle relaxation thanks to pressure exerted with hands and fingers which generate rhythmic and fast oscillations of the epidermis” he continues Well done.

The results of the “natural lifting” effect massage

Ideal for reinvigorating and relaxing the oval, this Japanese treatment also gives «a clear reduction in expression lines e an overall relaxation of facial lines and signs of tiredness such as dark circles and bags under the eyes».

Furthermore, «this massage offers a truly multi-sensory experience. This is because the Japanese technique work on involvement of precise meridians and acupressure points acting on the muscles and lymphatic system to obtain extraordinary effects not only on the face but on the entire organism.”

Who is Kobido suitable for?

«The treatment is ageless and is suitable for all skin types, perfect for both men and women» precise Andrea Benfatto.

«Its effects are particularly loved by those who have exceeded the threshold of 35 yearsbegins to face the appearance of first wrinkles on the face. But the kobido can also help those who want to erase the signs of stress, tiredness and bad habits from their faces. For this reason it is very popular even among very young people and is approached with curiosity even by young people male audience». Furthermore, «it is a last minute treatment ideal before a special occasion” suggests the facialist.

Can it also be done at home?

Although it is a non-invasive and risk-free treatment, «independently replicate the movements of kobido in the same way as a masseur or facialist it is complex because some manual skills are very difficult and one is required specific knowledge of anatomy and technical details» underlines Andrea Benfatto.

However, “And However, it is possible to learn and replicate some self-massage maneuvers with a lifting effect equally effective that can be carried out independently during your daily beauty routine».

“Kobido” facial massage: when (and how much) to do it

To start experiencing this lifting ritual, «it is advisable to start with a cycle of 5 treatments on a weekly basis, continuing with a monthly maintenance session» suggests the expert.

“ORHowever, each person has different needs And after the first datein which a consultation is carried out, a specific path is outlined for each individual customer» specifies Benfatto.

Are there any contraindications?

«Despite its effectiveness in promoting circulation and skin brightness, some precautions are necessary. Could be not be suitable for those with specific skin or vascular conditions» underlines the expert.

«In case of fillers or botox it is better to avoid any type of manual massage for at least 3 weeksWhile nIn the case of scars it is necessary to evaluate during the session the feasibility or otherwise of the kobido ritual» concludes Andrea Benfatto.

