KNVB speaks out against ‘gay-unfriendly chants’ during the Netherlands – Germany Football

“During the match between the Netherlands and Germany, a gay-unfriendly choir was heard several times. We want everyone to feel welcome in football. Orange and the KNVB structurally speak out against any form of discrimination through the OneLove campaign and at various times of the year we also pay specific attention to LGBTI acceptance,” director Marianne van Leeuwen noted on the football association’s website.

“The chants yesterday – partly because they were addressed by stewards – were short-lived and infrequent, but still hurtful to some. Exclusion is not part of what a football party should be for everyone. It is now 2022, we have to be better and further than this”, says Van Leeuwen.

The game ended in a draw: 1-1.
