KNVB shocked by Overmars’ transgressive behavior at Ajax

The KNVB is shocked by the news about the transgressive behavior of Marc Overmars at Ajax. The football association writes in a statement that it considers a safe working environment very important and calls on victims to report.

“As the largest sports association in the Netherlands, we are aware that, unfortunately, power relations can also play a role in the sports world in the workplace,” according to the KNVB.

For two years now, the guarantee of a safe sports climate has been part of the licensing requirements for professional football organizations. Every club must also appoint a certified confidential contact person.

Notification requirement

According to the KNVB, a consultation was held in January with the confidential contacts of all professional football clubs. The clubs also have a reporting obligation when it comes to cross-border behaviour, according to the association. “From a report, an independent investigation by the Institute for Sports Justice follows. All sports associations are affiliated with that institute.”

The association continues: “We would like to say to all victims of cross-border behavior: please report, no matter how difficult it is. It can be done anonymously, with the confidential contact person of your club, the KNVB or the Center for Safe Sport.”

Ajax announced late last night that Marc Overmars is stepping down as director of football affairs with immediate effect because of sending cross-border messages to several female colleagues.


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