KNRM Huizen in 2022 busiest station in the Netherlands: ‘Doubtful honour’

It is a ‘doubtful honour’, but KNRM rescue station Huizen has been the most active of all stations in 2022. This is what skipper Mark van den Brink of the KNRM Huizen tells in the radio program NH Throw the Lunch Club.

In total, the station received 145 calls in 2022 and helped 261 people safely ashore. Pleasure craft in particular were often in trouble in 2022, because the station has provided assistance no fewer than 129 times. “We match our busiest rescue year of 2020,” says Mark.

The moment that Mark remembers the most is a capsized boat at the beginning of February opposite the harbor of Almere. Two people on board were rescued, but help came too late for the third person on board. “That makes a huge impression on the station. You discuss that in the team and you have to tackle it together.”

Treacherous area

The border lakes between Flevoland and ‘t Gooi are a treacherous area when it comes to water sports and traffic. “Especially in the summer it is a busy stretch of water with a lot of recreation. The pondweed in the summer months doesn’t help either.” Many boats get stuck in the plants. The KNRM stations of Blaricum and Huizen are therefore always in the top 5 of busiest stations.

Nevertheless, Mark looks back on the past year with pride. “It is a top achievement that we manage to get around 24/7, 356 days with our team of volunteers and let that lifeboat sail.”

Other striking figures from 2022: The volunteers have provided assistance to aviation once, brought 3 animals safely to land and deployed 3 times to help with searches. The commercial shipping itself only needed help 3 times.

Listen to the interview with Mark van den Brink via this link.
