Knossi auctions “Back to the Future” hoverboard for 114,000 euros

The year is said to be 2015, when Marty McFly (played by Michael J. Fox) has a narrow chase on hoverboards in the second part of the “Back to the Future” film series – an ambitious prediction of the 1989 production. Although the prop cannot actually fly, it was worth a lot of money to Jens “Knossi” Knossala. The streamer shelled out 114,000 euros to fulfill his childhood dream.

On November 9th, the media star invited his community to follow the “craziest stream in a long time”. Knossi bought the original hoverboard from the classic film via the internet auction site “propstore”. Although the auction ended at 100,000 pounds (around 114,000 euros), the “Let’s Dance” participant’s expenses – including fees – will amount to around 180,000 euros, according to him. The stream was filled with a lot of nerves and passion as the YouTube star clung to his wife Tamara Knossalla and ultimately screamed “I’ve got it!” over and over again.

With the expensive purchase, Jens Knossala fulfilled a childhood dream. “I watched the movie as a six-year-old and said ‘Hey Dad, hoverboards?’ Then he tells me that they don’t exist in the world. It’s just a movie. But it’s just my love – and it’s always been my dream to own this thing. But the real thing. Now I’ve got it,” the entertainer told the “Bild” newspaper.

Marty McFly on the hoverboard chase in Back to the Future 2:

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The self-proclaimed “biggest ‘Back to the Future’ fan in Germany” I also see the prop as an investment. “The thing isn’t just bought, it becomes more valuable. Not much of the things that existed back then are still alive. It’s an investment in my love,” he explains his thoughts behind the purchase.

However, his love for the science fiction trilogy, which was directed by Robert Zemeckis, does not stop with the purchase of the flying hoverboard. Most recently, Knossi took his community with him in an Instagram story while he took football coach Jürgen Klopp for a spin in the DeLorean – the car that once took Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly and Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) through time traveled, however, was not the original.

Knossi’s entire auction live stream:

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