KNMI: heat wave ends on Wednesday | Inland

On Saturday there was an official heat wave in the Netherlands for the first time in two years. To do this, it must be at least 25 degrees in De Bilt for five consecutive days, of which 30 degrees or more on three days. On Wednesday it is expected to be 23.2 degrees in De Bilt. “But it is still a prediction. It can be just a tenth above 25 degrees and then the definition of a heat wave continues,” emphasizes a KNMI spokeswoman.

On Tuesday, the KNMI predicts that it will still be 26.7 degrees in De Bilt, but then the temperature will drop further. It is expected to be only 20.2 degrees on Sunday. Although it is a lot less hot than last weekend, it is very stuffy, the spokeswoman notes. “In terms of fatigue, it is a lot more intense than the past few days.”

The spokeswoman for the weather institute does not know whether the National Heat Plan, which was activated on Wednesday 10 August by the RIVM in consultation with the KNMI, among others, will no longer be in effect from Wednesday. She expects the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment to decide on this on Tuesday. RIVM could not be reached on Monday evening.
