Knitting unfinished by the deceased: there are those who finish them

Sthe calls me “loose ends” the project which, recalling Homer’s Penelope, entrusts the knit or crochet the task of easing the pain of losing a loved one. The idea was born in 2022 and is to let those who volunteer to finish those knitting jobs (sweaters or other) that the missing or missing could not complete.

Knitting unfinished by the deceased: there are those who finish them

With a network of more than 8,000 people who have made themselves available all over the world, the project has thus become a support network that knits the unfinished work with loveeasing the pain of loss.

The idea was born in 2022 and is to make those who volunteer to finish that sweater that the missing person or the missing person could not complete (Getty)

How Loose Ends was born

The initiative came to the mind of the founders, Jennifer Simonic and Masey Kaplan, both passionate about knitwear, when they realized that friends often asked them to finish blankets, sweaters or other projects that death had prevented loved ones from completing. Doing a search, they noticed that there wasn’t a similar service active yet the demand was there.

From there the launch of the project: the two women began, on the one hand, to search online for volunteers who are defined as “finisher”, on the other encouraging anyone with unfinished projects to request support through their website.

How the project is entrusted

Before entrusting a project, of course, Simonic and Kaplan carefully choose the most suitable persontaking into account the location, the level of difficulty of the job, the availability and experiences of the people. At this point, the seekers and the offerers get in touch with an email.


The two ladies they also launched a fundraiser on Gofundme because being a 100% voluntary work, there is still a need to cover the expenses for the site and other marketing costs.

Loose Ends: how to become a “finisher”

To become a volunteer “finisher” you just need to know how to knit or crochet, fill in the form on the project website and wait to be contacted again. On the other hand, those who have a job not completed by their loved one, can enlist the help of a “Loose Ends” volunteer in the same way.

