Knees: from filler to radiofrequency to rejuvenate them

F.until recently the knees they were an off-limits topic, but today some of them are small aesthetic problems can be solved with a simple filler. The astute Chanel suggested making them “invisible” with the midi skirt, the hem of which covers them. Now things have changed, and rather than hiding, we tend to correct.

«The attention has started to shift from the face to the body, especially on the critical areas, of which the knees par excellence. Thus, the growing demand for improve this area pushed the specialists to find solutions, ”he explains Antonello Tateo, specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

The aesthetics of the knees: the specific filler against wrinkles and laxity

The skin on and around the knees is prone to wrinkling and creasing, which are the manifestation of the processes of aging which cause, as happens on the face, the thinning and loss of elasticity of the skin texture, with consequent formation of lines and wrinkles.

Aesthetic medicine also offers specific treatments for the knees (In photo, Helena Christensen @helenachristenses Instagram).

“In these cases, the injection Profhilo of Ibsa proves useful because exploits both the volumizing and stimulating properties of particular hyaluronic acid molecules: subjected to a thermal process, which puts them in tune with their peers avoiding chemical bonds, they cooperate with each other trying to stay in contact and united in a natural way »explains Antonello Tateo.

They have another big advantage: «These fillers work increase collagen production, element that ensures cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of sagging tissue. The result is a smooth and compact skin ».

Not just fillers: radiofrequency against the folds above the knee

Skin folds that form on the upper part of the knee can also be treated using energy device. They are medical devices that stimulate the fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastina to promote tissue retraction and cancel laxity and sagging.

«To obtain these results we use the radio frequencywhich exploits electromagnetic waves, and focused ultrasounds, which involve the use of energy released by sounds that cannot be heard by the human ear ”, explains Antonello Tateo.

«Excellent results are also obtained with the Venice Lift CO2 laser: a concentrated light non-ablative which gives a stimulating boost to the skin support fibers. All these devices generate a sort of controlled dermal damage which favors skin densification “.

The aesthetics of the knees: when there is too much volume

There aren’t just knee fillers. To remodel them there is also the lipoaspiration. “The procedure, frequently associated with treatment of the whole thighconsists in taking the fat cells by means of special suction cannulas.

Very appreciable results are obtained by combining this protocol with the laser, which involves the destruction of fat by means of a probe, ”says the plastic surgery specialist. And one of the most critical areas of the body is once again compact and elastic.

